Red Post Collection: Behavioral Systems: April 2021 Update, Elderwood Ornn Charity Skin Results & More

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  • Today's red post collection includes a update from the behavioral systems team for April 2021 including changed to Dodge and AFK penalties, the results on the sale of Elderwood Ornn for charity, a TFT: Reckoning cheatsheet, an upcoming merch collab with UNIQLO, and more!


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    Table of Contents

    Behavioral Systems: April 2021 Update


    Here's the latest dev blog from the behavioral systems team - "Dodge and AFK penalties"

    "Hey all. This is our first major update in 2021, and we apologize for the long delay. 2021 started quietly for the team while we focused on the backend systems that we are now applying to real problems we’d like to solve. We delayed this update a few times to make sure it'd feel worth reading, but the result was an unacceptably long period of radio silence.
    To avoid making the same mistake twice, we want to let you know that updates will be more spread out this year. Specifically, we're altering our blog cadence to quarterly. That means you can expect our next update in mid-July.
    Now onto the first update of the year.
    As it's been a while since we last chatted, let's talk goals. Broadly speaking, Behavioral Systems has a few evergreen goals...
    • Reduce the frequency of disruptive behavior
    • Mitigate harm caused by disruptive behavior well as shorter-term goals specific to individual problems we want to solve. Right now, those are:
    • Specifically, reduce the frequency of repeat disruptive behavior
    • Use the newly-launched reporting confidence system to increase confidence (hence the name) of automated detection and penalties for disruptive behavior
    In addition to the above behavioral goals, we’re partnering with Competitive in tackling problems endemic to matchmaking and competitive integrity:
    • Continue improving queue matchmaking quality without compromising queue time and availability
    • Reduce Champion Select dodges across all MMRs
    As a reminder, we're tackling these problems via iterative, solution-driven experiments aimed at measurable results. We want to get our ideas in front of you for testing to find which ones have potential for meaningful, immediate change.
    In late 2020 and early into 2021 we talked about plans for a reporting confidence solution that took into account quality of reports (players who are great at consistently recognizing disruptive behavior vs. others who spam the report button every match). Over time, this helps our systems refine their understanding of disruptive behavior that may be less blatant, as well as penalize players who are continually skirting our existing detection lines.
    We’ve rolled reporting credibility out for Intentional Feeding and have been seeing some promising results. We’ve started to confidently detect behaviors like jungle griefing, under-the-radar intent to lose or feeding behaviors, intentional lane taxing and griefing, and other behaviors that our automated systems are less likely to identify:

    Since the system is still new, we're being very cautious with actioning on these behaviors until we're sure the system won't evolve in an unforeseen way and penalize innocent players en masse. It might feel like there are still people getting through the cracks right now, and for the time being, that’s ok. This is just the start of training our models to adapt to high-quality player reports., We're excited to continue monitoring results and in the future move forward with similar features for other prevalent disruptive behaviors.
    We mentioned above that we're partnering with Compet to address growing issues with dodging and match quality. The first approach outlined below is to immediately address the escalation of these behaviors via stronger penalties. The second is a longer-term effort to address the underlying reasons for dodging in the first place.
    First, a single dodge doubles the overall time-to-game for 9 other players and creates a jarring experience as players are forced in and out of queue. At higher levels of play, we even see some players say it's better to dodge a champ select with picks they don't like than it is to play the match out. Dodging should never be so optimal that players treat it like a tool in their toolkit. It should be a last resort 'break in case of emergency' switch.
    One takeaway from last time we discussed dodge penalties is that you want us to avoid overly punishing players who had an unintentional disconnect, an emergency, or someone intentionally trying to ruin the game—in other words, the forgivable dodge cases. We're addressing that by adding a penalty tier but leaving the current tiers unchanged:
    Existing Tiers (unchanged)
    • 1st dodge in 24 hours: 6 min lockout (15 for ARAM) and -3 LP in ranked
    • 2nd dodge in 24 hours: 30 min lockout and -10 LP in ranked
    New Tier
    • 3rd dodge in 24 hours: 12 hour lockout and -10 LP in ranked
    We expect the above changes to limit current abuse of the system while we work with our other Riot teams to really dig into areas like:
    • Autofill/Off-role disparity concerns
    • Perceived between-team mismatches (a separate problem space from actual mismatches)
    • Hostage situations in Champ Select
    • One-trick limitations at higher MMRs
    Though there are no magic bullets for these in the short-term, similar to last year, we think we can make iterative improvements across the year to drive meaningful impact on these underlying problems.
    In addition to dodges, we’ve been assessing penalties for players repeatedly AFKing or leaving games. Again, we don’t want to overly punish players who have rare disconnects out of their control, but through monitoring, we've learned that repeat AFKs/leaves are relatively rare and tied pretty directly to game-ruining behavior. So, we're opting to increase the lockout severity of our existing higher penalty tiers, rather than add new ones. When players AFK or leave games they increase their penalty tier and when they play games without AFK they will slowly decrease it back towards 0.

    Today's Tiers:
    • 1st AFK: 5 min lockout and auto-loss
    • 2nd AFK: 10 min lockout and auto-loss
    • 3rd AFK: 15 min lockout and auto-loss
    Revised Tiers:
    • 1st AFK: 5 min lockout and auto-loss
    • 2nd AFK: 30 min lockout and auto-loss
    • 3rd AFK: 14 day lockout and auto-loss
    Separately, there is an escalating LP penalty assessed for going AFK or leaving ranked games. This goes up by one tier when you AFK/Leave and goes down by one tier when you do not. This doesn’t apply to promotion series or when because of server issues the game is declared to have not counted.
    • Tier 1: -2 LP
    • Tier 2: -3 LP
    • Tier 3: -5 LP
    • Tier 4: - 6 LP
    • Tier 5: -8 LP
    This has been live for a few months and we are actively monitoring and looking for opportunities to improve the system.

    After this round of updates, here are the next areas we'll be looking at:
    • In-game reporting options to allow players immediate response to bad behavior that further improve detection systems with time data indicating when the disruptions occurred in the course of the game
    • Further refinement of penalties for extreme offenders of all kinds, including an extension on the use of bans.
    • Continued improvement on AFK, Intentional Feeding, and Verbal Abuse detection using our reporting confidence system."

    CestDommage noted:

    "One thing that was not mentioned in the article but is worth calling out: We are planning to separate queue lockouts between LoL and TFT. This means that a player with a penalty from SR games will still be able to enjoy the convergence.

    @Mortdog smiles upon you this day."

    Coderbryant added:

    "Some additional clarification -- updating the blog to reflect soon -- that should say punishment tiers, not just pure games afk'd. If they hit a certain tier, they're going to get a significant punishment applied (e.g. 2 week lockout)."

    Elderwood Ornn Charity Skin Results

    Elderwood-ornn-Article_Banner_04222021.jpg Here's an update from Kushnood on the sale of Elderwood Ornn for charity - "You raised more than $7 million for the Riot Games Social Impact Fund with Elderwood Ornn."

    "From the end of last year to early January, you all rallied around the ancient shaper of the Elderwood and keeper of divine knowledge by purchasing Elderwood Ornn, the 2020 Charity Skin. In total, the global League community raised more than $7 million for the Riot Games Social Impact Fund.
    All of us at Riot are incredibly humbled to have beaten Dawnbringer Karma’s $6 million—and we’re sure Ornn mains are, too.
    Thank you all so much for continuing to support highly impactful organizations around the world. We hope you’ll join us again in this year’s charity fundraiser, so we can continue to build a better world together."


    • [1] "This story’s not over. ✂"


    • Interested in the ties between our latest champion, Gwen, Viego, Isolde, and other Shadow Isles champions and characters? Check out this rundown from the Universe - "The Roots of Ruin":


    • TFT Set 5: Reckoning hits live with patch 11.9! Need to start studying up on strategy? Check out this cheatsheet from the TFT twitter:
    "Ready or not, ruination is coming. Get prepared with all of the classes, origins, and champions coming in Teamfight Tactics: Reckoning."


    • The latest LoL Prime Gaming Loot is now available! Grab a mystery skin shard every 10~ days through January 2022!


    • A new merch collab between League of Legends and UNIQLO will be available soon online and in stores!

    "When adventure calls.

    Presenting the #LeagueofLegendsUT Collection. Available soon online and in select retail stores worldwide."



    "The Mid-Season Invitational is just around the corner, and we are excited for teams all over the globe to come together to compete in Reykjavik, Iceland starting May 6, 2021. While it was our hope that the top team from each of our 12 regions would be able to join us, due to national travel restrictions related to COVID-19, the team from Vietnam (VCS) will unfortunately not be able to participate."
      • Updated MSI Groups:


    Other Games

    Wild Rift

    • Rammus powerballs onto the Wild Rift this week!
    [1] "Ascended being? Lost pet? Nobody knows. Say hello to Rammus, Runeterra’s okayest armordillo."


    [2] Molten Rammus and Sweeper Rammus are rolling in hot 🔥⚽"



    "OK. Alright. Rammus, the Armordillo—now rolling into Wild Rift."

    Legends of Runeterra

    "We're excited to announce the pinnacle of competitive play in Legends of Runeterra: The Legends of Runeterra World Championship. 🏆
    256 players will battle it out for the title of World Champion, with a $200k prize pool at stake.
    📝More details:"


    • Legends of Runeterra chosen as Mobile Game of the Year at the DICE awards!
    "We’re honored to be chosen as Mobile Game of the Year at the #DICEAwards. Thank you to our players. This wouldn’t be possible without you!"


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