2/2 PBE Update: TFT Set 6.5 Testing, Balance Changes, & More

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  • [Recent News: Patch 12.3 Notes / Teamfight Tactics Patch 12.3 Notes]

    The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.4 PBE cycle, today's patch includes continued TFT Set 6.5 testing, tentative balance changes, and more!

    AVvXsEgRzBFkQ8-3mCIlASws1iLDijnbnwCUtFuGJpcTTCayWRZg9zR4Fq8UTJ5zyDXVSA5XGlKhlXumTuvAsoqPf1nRxAb60Sh3WqQaJvQPSwrt8LYgTTJvCMdJZYfVlwLK7etF8kf-a4WAvkW2aq_kYX650PNf5unfiN0sruIzfzyf0irw37hQ0EDtF4HM=w640-h150Continue reading for more information!

    (Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

    Table of Contents

    TFT Corner


    TFT Set 6.5 continues testing on the PBE! Here's Riot Mort with a changelist for today's PBE:

    "Feb 2nd Deploy


    2 Cost


    ---AD: 60 >>> 70

    ---Armor & MR: 45 >>> 40


    ---Spell Damage: 250/340/480 >>> 225/300/450


    ---VIP Bonus: Bleed deals true damage >>> Bleed deals true damage and lasts 100% longer

    3 Cost


    ---AD: 60 >>> 65

    ---Spell AD%: 180/185/190% >>> 175%

    ---Spell Base Damage: 180/240/360 >>> 150/200/300

    ---Health on Transform: 500/750/1400 >>> 400/700/1250


    ---Spell Damage: 250/275/350 >>> 225/250/325


    ---Spell Shield Amount: 600/700/800 >>> 450/650/900

    ---Spell Damage Per Second: 200/250/300 >>> 150/225/325


    ---Mana: 30/90 >>> 40/100

    ---Spin Base Damage: 100/150/300 >>> 80/120/240


    ---Spell Shield Amount: 525/675/850 >>> 550/700/900

    4 Cost


    ---Health: 750 >>> 800

    ---Armor & MR: 25 >>> 30

    ---Attack Speed: 0.75 >>> 0.8


    ---Spellcast Mana Lock: 0 >>> 1 second (bug fix)

    ---Health: 900 >>> 800

    ---Attack Speed: 0.95 >>> 0.9

    ---Spell Base Damage: 150/200/500 >>> 130/160/400

    -Renata Glasc

    ---Mana: 40/80 >>> 30/80

    ---Spell Damage Per Second: 70/100/300 >>> 65/90/225


    ---Spell Bonus Attack Speed: 60/80/200% >>> 50/65/150%

    5 Cost


    ---Armor & MR: 35 >>> 40

    ---Rocket Launcher AD%: 200/210/888% >>> 220/230/888%


    ---Attack Speed: 0.8 >>> 0.65


    ---On-hit magic damage per bullet: 20/30/124 >>> 15/25/124

    ---% AD per bullet: 16% >>> 15%



    ---Innate Health: 1000 >>> 800


    ---Shield Amount: 200/300/600/1000 >>> 160/240/480/800


    -Second Wind

    ---% Health Healing: 50/75/100% >>> 40/60/80%

    -The Golden Egg

    ---Sell Value: 20g >>> Can no longer be sold

    ---Fixed some issues with overflow behavior (when players have a full bench)

    ---NOTE: The egg can be sold when it’s overflowed on the board. It will sell for 0g. You probably don’t want to sell it

    ---Small update to the loot table

    -Treasure Trove

    ---Bugfix: Blue Orbs now have a chance to grant an Item Component


    -VIP Draven now correctly has infinite attack range

    -Senna and Tryndamere now don’t show non-scaling on their tooltips

    -Armor Plating now correctly triggers

    -Colossus’s Innate health bonus no longer double stacks when activating the (2) piece

    -Senna’s cast time slightly reduced to line up with her animation

    -Old emblems (like protector) no longer show up on carousel

    -Blank items no longer appear on carousel

    -Senna Ability damage is now treated as AoE damage (affects Redemption, etc.)

    -Caitlyn’s attack missile now visually comes out of her gun instead of slightly below it.

    -Rek’sai’s Ability is now properly flagged as ability damage (will proc Banshee’s Claw, Luden’s, etc.)

    New Assets:

    Pass completion background


    Balance Changes

    * NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


    Renata Glasc

    • Leverage (Passive)
      • Ally damage lowered from [2-11%] to [1-5%]


    • Bailout (W)
      • Cooldown increased from 26/24/22/20/18 to 28/26/24/22/20


    Context & Notes

    1) Make sure to leave your CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on the r/LeaguePBE feedback threads:

    Check out [THIS PAGE] for a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !




    [BACK TO TOP] Quelle: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2…e-tft-set-65-testing.html

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