Red Post Collection: TFT Reckoning AMA, K/DA Merch Restock, & More

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  • Today's red post collection includes an AMA from the TFT Reckoning devs, red comments from around the web, new and restocked K/DA merch, a new Prime Gaming LoL shard, and more!


    Continue reading for more information!




    Table of Contents

    TFT Reckoning AMA with The Devs & Friends


    The TFT team hosted an AMA over on Reddit, answering questions on Set 5, Reckoning! Check out the full thread for questions and answers:

    "Welcome to Reckoning!
    We’re (part of) the team behind TFT: Reckoning. We're taking some time out from fighting the Black Mist to answer your questions about the set’s design, mechanics, arenas, little legends, and all things TFT. We're posting this early (9 am PST) and will be back at noon to answer your questions, but feel free to add them now! And here's who'll be answering your question:
    AliceOfClubs - Technical Game Designer; Not quite a Game Designer, not quite an Engineer, designs and implements traits, spells, and developer tools.

    BribbleTheGreat- Senior Visual Designer who crafts the User Interface from set mechanics, to trait icons and beyond.

    DazBrakomir- The motion graphics artist who brings all of the in and out of game UI to life.

    Leelor- The User Experience designer who prevents you from accidentally selling your unit at the start of the game, created recipe hints for items, and designed the Armory for Reckoning!

    LlordLlama- Hyped on Hyper Roll? You’ve got this game designer to thank (and a few other people I guess).

    RiotKent - Live gameplay balance designer, who’s responsible for your 8ths, but also your 1sts…

    Riot Wittrock- The mad scientist behind our wildest mechanics. Wittrock puts the Wit in WitRock n’ Roll.

    Riot_Mort- Lead Game Designer; if devs were a Rock Band, Mort would be the Band Manager, but also the Conductor, and maybe even the Bass player.

    Riot Mumble- Game Producer; herds artists to ensure Little Legends and other content is delivered!

    RiotGreenTeej - Producer of Producers; Famous Set 1 Challenger player and tea enthusiast.

    RiotSvago - If you’ve seen Ruin Rising, then you already know our Creative Director’s work. And if you haven’t seen Ruin Rising, what are you waiting for?
    MinionsRpeople2 (comms, patch notes, Little Legend Bios, and more) will answer what questions he can for Svago.

    This ensemble of our favorite people will begin answering questions at Noon PST, but you can add your questions to this post right away!

    Links for general information about the Reckoning Pass or a Gameplay Overview.

    Edit: And we're out! Thanks for asking questions, it's been a blast, but we've got some Black Mist to combat and a Nimblefoot to save."

    [Check out the full thread!]

    Speaking of TFT, the Ranked Rewards for TFT: Fates split 1 and 2 are rolling out! Here's the announcement from Riot Mort:

    "TFT: Fates Ranked Rewards are beginning to be distributed!"



    • Riot Jag noted some support Senna changes coming in 11.11:


    [1] For the 11.11 patch, Summoner's Rift Team is working on moving Support Senna's Mythic builds away from Frostfire Gauntlet into more on-fantasy items (like potentially Lethality or AP). If you have thoughts, you can hit up @TheTruexy - and as always, be respectful, please.(1/2)

    [2] We're also looking at making more competitive options for top lane tanks' second item beyond Thornmail - mostly looking at Warden's Mail/Frozen Heart and Warmog's here. As always, we can't promise anything will ship, but happy to hear feedback. (2/2)
    • Riot Scruffy added:
    [1] Two upcoming projects SR team has outside of normal balance work:

    1. Tank item diversity/ balancing (less bramble more everything else)

    2. Moving Senna away from frostfire tank builds

    • He continued:
    [1] Wanted to share an update of projects in flight on the SR team (they own balance and systems). These are in rough priority/timeline order but things can always change. Notable new project is aimed at reducing systemic mobility in places where it has crept or gone too far.


    • Scruffy also noted a bugfix that went out for Veigar:


    [1] We just pushed out a hotfix for Veigar E not stunning in all cases it should.
    Thanks for the bug reports and dealing with this issue in the meantime.


    • The LoL twitter provided full turnaround shots of each of the PROJECT skins, showing off all the tiny details you may not be able to see in game:



    Other Games

    Wild Rift


    "With Rengar and Kha’Zix still in the middle of their rivalry, a new competition emerges from the sun-soaked sands of Shurima. Renekton will be available later in the patch to face off against his brother, Nasus, and the ancient rituals of Blood Moon will make their debut in Wild Rift a little later. We’ve also got some targeted nerfs for some of the strongest solo queue superstars: the #evelynnisoverparty starts now, besties.
    This is the last balance patch of this cycle, so we’ll be running with these changes for an extra week or so. Look out for another /dev diary later this month for what’s hitting in June and July. Welcome to Patch 2.2c!"

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  • CptPICHU

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.