Gwen Champion Teaser: Made With Love

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  • A teaser is now up on Riot social media for our next champion, Gwen!

    "Once upon a time, a seamstress made a darling little doll. This doll loved her maker very much, but sadly, tragedy ripped them apart, sending the doll to sink beneath sea and sorrow. Centuries passed, but the doll was not deterred, for she knew love would find her again."


    Continue reading for a closer look!

    Made With Love | Gwen Champion Teaser

    "Once upon a time, a seamstress made a darling little doll. This doll loved her maker very much, but sadly, tragedy ripped them apart, sending the doll to sink beneath sea and sorrow. Centuries passed, but the doll was not deterred, for she knew love would find her again."


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    Look for more on this new champion in a later PBE cycle!

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  • AHE MoosBe

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.