5/31 PBE Update: Continued TFT Testing

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  • The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.11 PBE cycle, today's patch includes continued TFT: Dragonlands testing!

    kjadfskjladfs.jpgContinue reading for more information!

    (Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

    Table of Contents

    TFT: Dragonlands Testing


    Dragonlands continues testing on the PBE! Here's Riot Mort with today's changelist:

    "May 31st Deploy Patch Notes


    1 Cost


    ---Spell Bonus Magic Damage: 400/500/600 >>> 300/400/500

    -Tahm Kench

    ---Base Shield: 250/325/450 >>> 250/300/375

    ---Reflect Damage: 50/75/125 >>> 75/100/125

    ---Damage Cooldown: 3 sec >>> 1.5 sec

    2 Cost


    ---HP: 650 >>> 700

    ---AD on Transform: 30/50/80 >>> 40/70/130

    ---Armor on Transform: 30/40/60 >>> 40/50/75


    ---Spell Damage: 180/275/400 >>> 175/250/350


    ---AD: 50 >>> 45

    ---Spell Damage: 200/300/425 >>> 200/250/325


    ---Chain missile speed significantly increased

    ---Fixed an issue where the chain visual effect could become invisible half-way through its flight


    ---AD: 60 >>> 50

    ---Spell Percent AD: 150/160/170 >>> 165/170/175%

    ---Spell Base Damage: 100/150/225 >>> 130/160/200


    ---AD: 50 >>> 45


    ---AD: 50 >>> 45

    ---AS: 0.9 >>> 0.85

    3 Cost


    ---AD: 50 >>> 45

    ---Spell Shield: 350/400/500 >>> 300/350/400

    ---Orb Damage: 100/110/120 >>> 85/100/115

    ---Total Damage: 600/770/960 >>> 510/700/920


    ---HP: 650 >>> 700

    ---Armor & MR: 35 >>> 30

    ---Spell Damage: 200/225/275 >>> 180/220/260


    ---Spell Damage: 125/175/250 >>> 175/225/275

    ---Resist Steal Percent: 20% >>> 40%

    ---Resist Steal Duration: 6 >>> 5 seconds


    ---Spell Damage: 300/450/900 >>> 350/500/900


    ---Mana: 0/60 >>> 50/100

    ---Spell Attack Speed Bonus: 45/50/55% >>> 30/40/50%

    ---Spell Attack Speed Duration: 4 >>> 6 seconds


    ---Spell Damage: 90/140/200 >>> 75/125/175

    ---Transformed attack tagged as basic attack to proc things like bramble vest, crown of champions, etc.


    ---HP: 750 >>> 800

    ---Armor & MR: 45 >>> 50

    ---Mana: 75/120 >>> 50/100

    ---Spell Damage: 200/300/450 >>> 150/225/350

    ---Spell Shield: 450/550/650 >>> 500/600/700


    ---AD: 60 >>> 50

    ---Spell Damage: 220/240/260 >>> 130/145/160

    ---Total Damage: 660/960/1120 >>> 390/580/800

    ---TEMP FIX: HP on Cast: 250/350/500 >>> 100/100/100

    ---With mage emblem now gains 2 copies of his buff, so lightning will proc twice in addition to double health, etc

    4 Cost


    ---Mana: 0/60 >>> 0/70

    ---Spell Missile AD Ratio: 100% >>> 60/60/150% (Tooltip to add in 12.12)

    ---Big One AD Ratio: 200/210/250% >>> 175/180/250%


    ---Mana: 75/175 >>> 50/100

    ---Stun Duration: 1.5/2/8 sec >>> 1/1/4 sec


    ---Mana: 50/100 >>> 75/125

    ---Spell Dagger AD Ratio: 10% >>> 50/50/200% (Tooltip to add in 12.12)

    ---Jumping Base Damage: 120/200/600 >>> 125/175/500

    ---Jumping AD Ratio: 480% >>> 250%


    ---AD: 60 >>> 70

    ---Mana: 0/75 >>> 0/60

    ---Base Feather Damage: 10/20/50 >>> 15/25/75

    ---Recall AD Ratio: 35% >>> 25%

    8 Cost


    ---Mana: 40/100 >>> 90/120

    ---AD: 50 >>> 40

    ---AS: 0.6 >>> 0.8

    ---Spell Buff Duration: 5 >>> 10 seconds

    ---Passive Damage: 60/100/333 >>> 40/60/200

    ---Spell Damage: 100/200/600 >>> 100/175/1000


    ---Armor & MR: 50 >>> 60

    ---Spell Team Shield: 200/300/1000 >>> 200/300/2000

    -Shi Oh Yu

    ---Armor & MR: 70 >>> 60


    ---AS: 0.55 >>> 0.7

    ---Charge AD Ratio: 200/210/250% >>> 250/275/500%

    ---Bite AD Ratio: 400/500/1000% >>> 500/600/2500%

    5 Cost


    ---Mana: 0/50 >>> 0/60

    ---Spell Damage: 300/400/5000 >>> 275/375/5000

    ---Secondary Damage: 250/350/4500 >>> 175/275/5000


    ---AD: 50 >>> 40

    ---Mana: 60/180 >>> 100/200

    ---Passive: 5 per auto >>> 15 per auto

    ---Spell Healing: 70/125/1000 >>> 100/150/1000


    ---Spell Shield: 200/275/2500 >>> 180/240/2500

    ---Spell AD Ratio: 215/225/2500% >>> 195/200/2500%

    10 Cost

    -Ao Shin

    ---Mana: 0/160 >>> 0/180

    -Aurelion Sol

    ---Mana: 60/100 >>> 50/75

    ---Spell Damage: 200/300/5000 >>> 150/200/2500

    ---AD Reduction Duration: 5 >>> 3 sec



    ---Crit Damage: 25/45/70% >>> 20/40/60%


    ---HP: 150/300/500/800 >>> 200/350/500/800


    ---Bonus AD Damage: 175/200/250/300 >>> 150/175/200/250


    ---Bonus HP: 600 >>> 900


    ---Base HP: 500/2000/3500 >>> 400/1200/2000

    ---Base AP: 30/100/200 >>> 20/60/100

    ---Stat Scalar per Star Level: 5% >>> 10%


    ---Mana Per Cast: 3/5/8 >>> 5/8/15


    ---Shield HP Amount: 25/50/80% >>> 35/50/65%


    ---Stats Bonus: 100/120/140/170/200/240 >>> 100/120/140/160/180/200%


    ---Statue HP Explosion: 50% >>> 33%


    ---Legend now only sacrifices champions (no Target Dummies, Jade Statues, Nomsy, etc.)



    -----Critical Damage Bonus: 25/50/75/100% >>> 35/40/45/50%


    -----AP per auto: 3/6/10/15 >>> 6/9/12/16


    -----Base HP: 200/350/500/700 >>> 200/300/450/600

    -----Base AP: 20/35/50/70 >>> 20/30/45/60


    ---Magic Resist: 40/80/175/300 >>> 50/100/175/300


    ---Firework Damage: 125/200/300/450 >>> 150/200/250/325


    ---Bonus Damage: 35/70/120 >>> 25/50/80

    ---Damage Reduction: 25% >>> 20%


    ---HP on Transform: 40/80/125% >>> 50/100/150%


    ---Shimmerscale items now remove themselves from units when those units are benched from the board.

    ---Remover will no longer use itself up if it is used only to remove shimmerscale items

    ---Crown of Champions Proc Rate: 5 >>> 4 seconds

    ---Determined Investor Deaths Required: 8 >>> 7

    ---Goldmancer’s Staff Proc Rate: 40% >>> 50%

    ---Mogul’s Mail Max Stacks: 50 >>> 30

    ---Mogul’s Mail Armor & MR per stack: 1 >>> 1.5

    ---Mogul’s Mail HP per stack: 10 >>> 15

    ---TEMP FIX Philosopher’s Stone: Will never proc


    ---Lightning Damage: 8/18/25/40% >>> 10/20/30/45%


    ---Proc Rate: 25% >>> 33%

    ---Bonus Damage: 180/275/400% >>> 120/200/300%


    ---AD & AP Per stack: 3/6/9/15 >>> 4/6/8/12

    Added Hyper Roll versions of the following augments:

    -Living Forge (Hyper Roll)

    ---Turns: 10 >>> 4

    -Loot Master (Hyper Roll)

    ---Turns: 4 >>> 2

    -Party Favors (Hyper Roll)

    ---Gold: 1 >>> 2

    ---Special Prize Requirement: 75 >>> 40

    -Personal Training (Hyper Roll)

    ---Health per round: 30 >>> 60

    ---Bonus Health if survived: 20 >>> 40

    -Preparation (Hyper Roll)

    ---Stats: 5/7/10 >>> 7/10/15

    ---Max Stacks: 4 >>> 3



    ---Shield HP Percent: 30% >>> 25%

    -(Radiant) Bloodthirster

    ---Omnivamp: 40% >>> 35%

    ---Shield HP Percent: 40% >>> 35%

    -Blue Buff & (Radiant) Blue Buff

    ---Reverted to 50 starting mana

    -(Radiant) Hextech Gunblade

    ---Omnivamp: 40% >>> 35%


    ---Total AP: 20 >>> 30

    -(Radiant) Morellonomicon

    ---Total AP: 40 >>> 50

    -Ornn Artifact - Death’s Defiance

    ---Omnivamp: 30% >>> 25%

    ---Bleed Duration: 5 >>> 4 sec


    -Combat Training

    ---There is now only 1 tier of Combat Training at Gold tier

    ---AD per Stack: 1

    ---Starting AD: 5

    -Hot Shot

    ---Burn Damage: 6% >>> 8% Health


    ---Disarm Duration: 2.5s >>> 3s

    -Reckless Spending

    ---Damage Amp: 30% >>> 40%


    ---Splash Damage: 60% >>> 40%

    -Twilight Umbrage

    ---Stealth: 6s >>> 7s

    Bug Fixes

    -Shimmerscale Draven's Axe loot (item component) now appears in a blue orb instead of gray orb

    -Ornn's damage now scales properly with AP

    -Updating Cybernetic Uplink, Cybernetic Implants, and Cybernetic Shell to NOT work with Nomsy

    -Metabolic Accelerator no longer fails to trigger the first turn after it is picked

    -Several Standard/Double-Up Augments that were incorrectly appearing in Hyper Roll have been removed from Hyper Roll.

    -Volibear no longer can gain infinite health from adding tears while his spell is active

    -Shimmerscale philosopher’s stone no longer grants units on the board in combat if your bench is full while rerolling

    -Shimmerscale philosopher’s stone now works with item reroller

    -Shi Oh Yu was gaining too much damage reduction when given AP. Her AP scaling is now correct

    -Yone’s magic damage no longer looks like a crit when his base physical damage crits when he doesn’t have Jeweled Gauntlet or Assassin Emblem (visual bugfix)

    -Double Trouble Augment should now work for ghost armies.

    -Double Up: Cutthroat Augment will no longer sometimes re-activate its mana-reave for Assassin units after they reinforce their partner.

    -Double Up: Press The Attack Augment will not increment its damage proc from a partner’s -Swiftshot units unless they also have the Press The Attack Augment.

    -Double Up: Heroic Presence Augment will no longer remove the taunt aura from your Guardians when they reinforce your partner."

    New Assets


    Blackcliff Gorge


    Jadebloom Oasis


    Shimmerstone Fields


    Balance Changes

    * NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


    Context & Notes

    1) None!

    Check out [THIS PAGE] for a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !




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